Beans Imported
Carolina's Colombia Coffee ImportersGreen Coffee from Colombia to Eastern Canada & Worldwide
Ontario Cafes or roasters can choose from the following Direct Trade Micro-Lots.
Daily spot prices and availability; emailed on request.
High Quality Single Origin Micro Lots.
Quality, Service. Price.
Current Spot offerings in Ontario.
Wide selection for custom orders – Ontario and Worldwide.
Partnership with Triguane Husking plant in Giron, Colombia
We work closely with Triguane to ensure transparent, customized and economical preparation of our coffee for export.
With synchronized businesses and cupping labs, we identify and purchase select Colombian coffee lots – customized to your needs.
Together we offer customized quotes for green bean requirements anywhere.

Above: Sacks filled after Husking and selecting… ready for export.
Below: There are distinct harvest zones in Colombia providing fresh options year round. Altitude, Latitude and Micro-climates are factors.
Our farm is in Santander and our harvest usually ends in December and arrives in Ontario a couple months afterwards.
We still have inventory from Boyaca and Cundinamarca harvested in June 2015.
Below: There are distinct harvest zones in Colombia providing fresh options year round. Altitude, Latitude and Micro-climates are factors.
Our farm is in Santander and our harvest usually ends in December and arrives in Ontario a couple months afterwards.
We still have inventory from Boyaca and Cundinamarca harvested in June 2015.

Above; Mario and Ignacio have farms close to 2,000 meters a.s.l. not too far from ours.
Below; Chucho is a close neighbour. We scored this years “returning” harvest high at Triguane.
Below; Chucho is a close neighbour. We scored this years “returning” harvest high at Triguane.