Welcome to Carolina’s Colombia
Carolina’s Colombia a company created from a shared love and passion for the Colombian culture by its owners Ralf Pohlak and Carolina Orduz.
Ralf is a native of Ontario, Canada, and Carolina is originally from Bucaramanga, Colombia now living in Canada. With Carolina’s Colombia they are dedicated to sharing the beauty and flavours of Colombia by importing some of the finest products Colombia has to offer such as coffee beans from their own farm as well as other local farmers.
For more information about Carolina’s Colombia products please contact 705-772-58445.
June 2017; Latest Container from Colombia has just arrived: See Beans for Roasters to see whats in it.
April 2017; Roaster for smaller batches in Peterborough
October 2016; Peterborough 2016 Business Excellence Award for Supply Chain.
videos for all award finalists: www.excellencepeterborough.ca/recipients-and-finalists/
Aug 2016; Add selection of top-notch un-roasted beans from best growing areas of the world: These are listed under “Exotic Beans for Home Roasters”. Can also be ordered Fresh-roasted in Peterborough. Please email or phone us for updates.
San Gil, Colombia

Freshly picked

Hand counted

What we do
local roasters and other like minded coffee farmers in Colombia
An important and close relationship has grown with Triguane; the Coffee Husking/Selecting/Exporting plant in Giron, Colombia..
We work closely with them to ensure transparent, customized and economical preparation of our coffee for export.
Having synchronized our businesses and cupping labs, we together identify and purchase select Colombian coffee lots – customized to your needs.
How we do it ?
We use no pesticides for our coffee. In our region and altitude none of the individual coffee farms we work with require pesticides.
we build long term relations with like-minded farmers / service providers /customers.
Our relationship with Triguane / Giron includes:
- synchronized coffee evaluation procedures
- seamless joint quotes and services
- transparent, economical, customizable pre-export steps; receipt from farms, storing, husking, selecting, packing, shipping
Whats in it for you ?
Coffee importers and Roasters
Economical, transparent, Customizable source for Colombian Coffee Beans.
Entire Focus on Colombia.; Quality, Selection, Price.
Invitation to know, visit if you like, and select individual farms to build relationships with
Coffee drinkers and restaurants in Peterborough area
High quality coffees at economical prices.
Custom roasted, blended, packaged.
passionate service from a growing local business
Colombian Coffee farmers
An opportunity to add value – through improved processes and quality of taste.
The unique taste of their own farm can be appreciated intact (not mixed with inferior) and compensated fairly.
We are told over and over this is more gratifying than filling out paperwork for third party certifications.